Future Meetings of the ISCE

  • 14/18 July 2024: Prague, Czechia
    39th Annual Meeting, hosted by Dr. Anna Jirošová (Czech University of Life Sciences) Prague and Dr. Robert Hanus from the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. More information about the meeting, including its venue, symposia, and key dates, may be found at the official meeting website as it becomes available.
  • 2025: Christchurch, New Zealand
    40th Annual Meeting (APACE – ISCE joint meeting), hosted by Dr. Kye Chung Park (The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research).
  • 2026: Ithaca, New York, USA
    41st Annual Meeting, Dr. Rob Raguso and colleagues. (Cornell University).
  • 2027: Tel Aviv Israel
    42nd Annual Meeting, hosted by Dr. Anat Levi-Zada (Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Institute).
  • 2028: Argentina
    43rd Annual Meeting (ALAEQ – ISCE joint meeting), hosted by Dr. Marcelo Lorenzo (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation).

Interested in hosting a future annual meeting? Please read our policy on meeting proposals.

Meetings of Chemical Ecology Societies