
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the society! The ISCE maintains three funds that assist in organizing the annual meeting and are funded in part by donations. Please complete the form below with your contact information and select the fund(s) and donation amount, and you will receive an emailed invoice to complete the transaction. All donations are tax-deductible in the United States. Please contact the ISCE Treasurer if you have any questions or you do not receive an invoice within 1-2 business days.

Wittko Francke’s Daaks-Chemicals Memorial Lecture

Prof. Dr. Dr. mult. h. c. Wittko Francke, born in 1940 in Reinbek near Hamburg, Germany, was one of the great pioneers shaping chemical ecology and the International Society of Chemical Ecology. He supported and endorsed the careers of many younger scientists, actively defended good science, and was always eager to discuss ideas or try new pathways. He promoted the society from its early days and was a great influence in its success, serving as one of its first presidents and behind the scenes in designing and coining medals almost until his death. The ISCE honored him with the Silver Medal, Honorary Life Membership, and the Award for Outstanding Service. Even apart from all these achievements, Wittko was a true friend in all his aspects.

Donations to the Wittko Francke’s Daaks-Chemicals Memorial Lecture fund will support an annual, competitively awarded lectureship to remember Wittko and honor both a departed chemical ecologist who made a long-lasting impact in the field and an outstanding speaker. Your contributions help to cover the costs of the speaker’s travel and the lectureship celebration. The inaugural Wittko Francke’s Daaks-Chemicals Memorial Lecture is to occur at the 37th Annual Meeting in Putrajaya, Malasia.

ISCE Family Fund

The ISCE wishes to promote the participation of young chemical ecologists in our meetings, and recognizes the difficult situation faced by members who struggle between early parenting and career development. Thus, the ISCE Family Fund was created to provide childcare support grants to meeting attendees. Your contribution to this fund will directly assist early career members with caregiver costs (e.g., travel for a caregiver or on-site childcare). The fund is administered by a special committee within the ISCE that solicits and evaluates applications and works with meeting organizers to identify local childcare options to list on the meeting website.

ISCE Student and Postdoc Travel Awards

The ISCE recognizes the importance of student participation in annual meetings and actively promotes student involvement through financial support for meeting attendance. The ISCE gives out between 10-20 travel awards annually on a competitive basis, which typically cover the cost of registration and provide partial support for additional travel/lodging expenses. Your contributions to the student travel award fund directly enhance the educational experience of members who are the future of the ISCE and the field of chemical ecology.