Hand HADIS. & AbdelJelil BAKRI
Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty or Science Semlalia, Biology Department, Insect
Biological Control Unit, B.P: S/15, Marrackech - MOROCCO
Mediterranean fruit fly is a serious pest of citrus in Morocco. In order to reduce the heavy reliance on insecticide applications, a new biotechnological control method is developed. This technique is based on a new combination of three types of traps and a food based synthetic attractant ( ammonium acetate + putrescine ). Two of the traps were developed in USA by Heath et al. (1994) and one was developed in Morocco by ourselves.
During the period from November 1995 to January 1996, tests were carried out in a citrus orchard selected in the Souss area (S.W of Morocco). The evaluation of the new traps performance is conducted in comparison with Jackson traps baited with Trimedlure and Mc Phail traps baited with Nulure and Borax.
The USA traps (DTFA2 and DTFA4) and the moroccan trap (CC) caught more females than males but less than Mc Phail traps. While, Jackson traps caught exclusively males. The performance of the new three traps was not significantly different.
The trend of the population in the citrus orchard shows a sharp decrease in the number of fly catches aner the first week of the test period. The trap catches were affected with the climate conditions. A positive correlation was found between catches and temperatures and negative between catches and the minimum relative humidity.
Though, the new traps caught less females than Mc Phail traps, they are much more easier to use and more practical for extensive monitoring tests in conjunction with sterile insect technique programmed. Heath R.R., Epsky N.D., Guzman A., Dueben B.D., Manukian A., and Meyer W.: 4th. Int. Symp.on fruit flies of Economic Importance, Sand Key, Florida, USA, 6 10 June (1994).